September 13th - 1st Day of CSA 2015-16 School Year - A Few Reminders

Dear All,

Want to remind a few arrangements for tomorrow, the 1st day of our 2015 school year:
1. CSA AMC classes will have an evaluation session starting from noon. Please come to the school by 12:00 PM if you plan or already signed-up either level of the class.

2. Classes that offer 10 sessions such as "Presentation and Communication", "????“, will not start tomorrow but hold info and Q/A sessions in cafeteria.

September 13th - 1st Day of CSA 2015-16 School Year

Dear CSA Families and Friends,

Hope everyone has had a wonderful summer! We hope you are as exciting as our teachers and staffs on the upcoming 1st day of 2015–16 school year, the 13th.

As always, we have a few things want to communicate with you prior to the school starts:

1. 1st class
* it starts at 1:30 PM. We ask everyone to arrive at the least ten minutes early so to get familiar with your classroom, your teacher and classmates.

2015 Fall Registration and Textbook

Summer's Greetings, CSA Families!

This is to remind that, in order for a student to have textbook on the first day of school, September 13th, you will need to have sign up the class on or before Thursday, September 10th.

Online Registration is available at Online Registration. General information about registration, offered classes and schedule, and paper registration form, are also available at Registration.

Ma Liping Chinese 6, 7, 8 and AP Chinese

Dear All,

To meet the needs of CSA families and starting from Fall'15, we extend "Ma Liping Chinese" to Grade 6, 7, and 8. In addition, we are also re-offering "AP Chinese".

Updated schedule and tuition fee information can be found at'15%20classes%20Schedule.pdf. Online Registration is also updated at

Thank you and enjoy rest of the summer,


An Official Summer Camp in Beijing

国学体验夏令营现有9个剩余名额 - 北京 - 7月19-8月1日

CSA After School Summer Program - Updates

Dear All,

The CSA Summer Program starts on 7/6 and goes until 7/31. In addition to the planned activities such as field trips, Kung Fu, learning Chinese, Math, Talent Show, English Reading, Handcraft, etc., we are glad to let you know that two more activity sections are added to the program:

a). Every day, there will be Chinese drama class in the afternoon, and every student will play a role. A performance will take place every Friday at 4pm, and we encourage friends and family to come watch.

CSA After School Program - Free Trial Class and Open Week

Dear parents,

CSA After School will have an open house week at 23 Clark Rd, the following trial classes are available:

6/15 4:00 - 5:00 Art class
6/15 5:00 - 6:00 All level Chinese class (including Bilingual Chinese class)

6/16 4:00 - 5:00 All level Chinese class (including Bilingual Chinese class)
6/16 5:00 - 6:00 Gongfu (Martial Arts)

6/19 4:00 - 5:00 International Chess
6/19 5:00 - 6:00 Chinese culture (国学历史课)

6/22 4:00 - 5:00 Art class
6/22 5:00 - 6:00 All level Chinese class (including Bilingual Chinese class)

CSA 2014 Spring Semester Field Day

What a Day! A beautiful, sunshine-filled day, with variety of authentic dishes both Chinese as well as from other cuisines. It was a day to appreciate our volunteers, and most importantly, a day for our students, parents, teachers, staffs, and friends to cheer and celebrate our effort and accomplishments in learning Chinese culture, language, and helping out our very own community.

CSA is Helping to Collect China Visa Applications

Dear CSA Families,

For the convenience of our local families, CSA is working with Sunshine Travel Agency to accept China Visitor Visa Applications.

How: CSA will collect application form and payment during CSA Sunday school sessions. You will be informed when the visa is available to pick up.

China Visa Information:
1. Please download/open the attached visa application form and complete it digitally as much as you can; print out the form; bring to CSA school for submission. Please feel free to leave section 2 empty if you are not sure.

No school on Sunday, May 24th

Dear CSA families,

This is to remind that, in observation of the Memory Weekend, CSA has no school on Sunday, May 24th.

Enjoy the time off and see you on the 31st at the school.