提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
大家好,说好的9/18日明天就要到了!明天下午CSA家长俱乐部的活动正式启动!第一个是广场舞,2:30~3:40pm 地点在篮球场.第二个是棋牌室(打扑克,打麻将,下棋),1:30~5:00pm 地点在ca
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
围棋老师卢老师星期四下午5-6在after school 开围棋班,有兴趣的家长请和我们联系,$15 一次课时, 978-684-2163, 报十次可减免$10.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
Notice: CSA Adult Folk Dance Class every Sunday from 1:30 pm-2:30pm. There are still spots available, please register. Cost?$100. Teacher, ???
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Halloween Special
Bring large boxes, junk E-game sets, etc. to create your own Halloween toy project.
Sounds interesting? Come and join the workshop to learn more this coming Sunday (Oct.30) from 3:20pm-4:20pm.
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
下周(11/13)CSA将新开设 -- 书法课, 我们此次特别邀请到了中国书法艺术家张忠立老师亲临学校指导授课,张忠立老先生一直是中国书法家协会会员,1997-2007年在甘肃兰州市文化宫&#
Dear all,
下周(11/13)CSA将新开设 -- 书法课, 我们此次特别邀请到了中国书法艺术家张忠立老师亲临学校指导授课,张忠立老先生一直是中国书法家协会会员,1997-2007年在甘肃兰州市文化宫&#
Dear all,
下周(11/13)CSA将新开设 -- 书法课, 我们此次特别邀请到了中国书法艺术家张忠立老师亲临学校指导授课,张忠立老先生一直是中国书法家协会会员,1997-2007年在甘肃兰州市文化宫&#
Dear all,
下周(11/13)CSA将新开设 -- 书法课, 我们此次特别邀请到了中国书法艺术家张忠立老师亲临学校指导授课,张忠立老先生一直是中国书法家协会会员,1997-2007年在甘肃兰州市文化宫&#
Dear all,
下周(11/13)CSA将新开设 -- 书法课, 我们此次特别邀请到了中国书法艺术家张忠立老师亲临学校指导授课,张忠立老先生一直是中国书法家协会会员,1997-2007年在甘肃兰州市文化宫&#
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
There is no chinese school on this coming Sunday(11/27).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear all,
There is no chinese school on this coming Sunday(11/27).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear all,
There is no chinese school on this coming Sunday(11/27).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear all,
There is no chinese school on this coming Sunday(11/27).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear all,
There is no chinese school on this coming Sunday(11/27).
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
As a Chinese immigrant parent, are you wondering what social challenges your children might be facing during their childhood and what are the best ways to cope with them? If so, join the seminar and learn more.
Seminar Topics:
Children's navigation between multiple cultures-different values
between the East and the West
Children's ethnic identity development and the social
climate-embracing interracial network and coping with subtle/overt racial
In the same family, but from different culture backgrounds -
cross-generational communications in immigrant families
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear all,
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Dear All CSA Families,
Welcome back from the holiday break! With Spring semester fast approaching, we will start the semester registration tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Attached please find the Spring class schedule as well as the school calendar for your reference. Though it is not the beginning of a new school year, we have decided to extend our early registration discount for this semester: a $20 per student tuition discount will be applied for language class if complete registration and tuition are received by end of Sunday, Jan 22nd.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
According to our calendar, there is no chinese school on the coming Sunday, 3/5
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
According to our calendar, there is no chinese school on the coming Sunday, 3/5
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
According to our calendar, there is no chinese school on the coming Sunday, 3/5
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
According to our calendar, there is no chinese school on the coming Sunday, 3/5
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
According to our calendar, there is no chinese school on the coming Sunday, 3/5
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.
Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:
1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration
The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
It's Easter again and let the egg hunting begins. Please see the attached flyer for more details on the event.
Sign up here:
?We also need volunteers
Hope you can join in the fun
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
CSA administration team wishes to express our appreciation to all of the parents for the support you have given to our school and our teachers in the past school year. We hope you will continue to work with us to provide a wonderful learning environment for our children. We are always here and are happy to hear any valuable feedback from parents on how to improve what we do to better serve your family’s growing needs. Suggestions or questions can be emailed to : email_csa@csandover.org
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dear CSA families,
We have a smooth school start this past Sunday thanks to your cooperation. Majority of the students have settled down in their classes. Understand that a few of you may still try to find the right class fit for your children, we encourage you to email your teacher or us via http://csandover.com/contact during the week should you have any questions so that we can make the best arrangement for you based on your children' need before next school day.