
« Monday September 26, 2016 »
Start: 19:26
End: 19:26

提醒下大家今天开课的兴趣班:1,儿童初级简笔画,2,国画班, 3,素描班外,4,国学历史课,以中国古代各个朝代历史和文化事件为脉络,通过演述具体事件的具体内容&#2

Start: 19:35
End: 19:35

Dear CSA family,
With all the exciting holidays coming up, CSA will host a Children Holiday Exchange event during next Sunday, Oct 2nd from 12 noon to 1:20PM at Pike school.
Purpose of the event: to encourage children to use simple and practical Chinese to exchange unwanted goods from home with other things they like.
1. Children must be 17 years old or under to participate.