
« Friday March 24, 2017 »
Start: 21:46
End: 21:46

Reminder: Except the identified and assigned classrooms and space in Pike, anyone from Chinese school without the permission from Chinese school cannot use Pike’s other equipment such as: kosher coffee machine, library books, or unassigned classrooms and functional rooms. Please pay attention to comply with our agreement with Pike. Let us maintain a good relation of cooperation with Pike. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Start: 00:24
End: 00:24

If you ever wonder about any age related eye problems, mark down your calender. On March 26, Dr. Chang is going to discuss the most common conditions affecting the aging eye.

Seminar Topics:
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of the following conditions:

1) Presbyopia
2) Dry eyes
3) Epiphora (overtearing)
4) Ptosis (droopy eyelids)
5) Floaters
6) Cataracts
7) Glaucoma
8) Macular degeneration

The talk will conclude with a discussion of warning signs and symptoms that cannot be ignored.