Handbook and Policies

1. CSA Bylaws.

2. CSA program Rules and Policies:
* CSA Code of Conduct
* CSA Student Rules
* CSA Teacher Rules
* CSA Parent Rules
* CSA Activity Rules
* CSA Gym Use Rules
* Activity Policy on CSA Premise

* CSA Weather Cancellation Policy

3. CSA Forms:
* CSA Donation Form
* CSA TA Information Sheet
* CSA Registration Cancellation Form

4. Community Service Confirmation Letter to 3rd Party:
By request, CSA can provide a confirmation letter to a 3rd party for CSA TAs. Please note that CSA can only do so for a high school student
a) who has prior approval as CSA TA by CSA Teaching Director, and acknowledgement by CSA Community Services Director and Principal, and
b) after consulting with the TA's assigned supervisor

csa-bylaw.pdf30.71 KB
ConductCode.pdf35.46 KB
StudentHandbook.pdf148.04 KB
TeacherHandbook.pdf71.54 KB
CSA_PolicyRule_ActivityOnCSAPremise.pdf18.53 KB
CSA_PolicyRule_Activity.pdf19.42 KB
CSA_PolicyRule_GymUse.pdf18 KB
CSA_PolicyRule_Parent.pdf145.12 KB
CSA_TA_InfoSheet.pdf35.48 KB
CSA_Registration_CancelationForm.pdf30.72 KB
CSADonation_Form.pdf31.34 KB
RegistrationInformation.pdf25.84 KB
CSA Weather Cancellation Policy.doc25.5 KB