Dear CSA families and friends,
This semester seems to be passing by very quickly and the Chinese New Year is upon us in about 3 weeks. This year's New Year performance is scheduled for Feb. 11th and there will be no class on that day. Your children have been working hard with the teachers in class practicing their performance for that day. Please recognize and praise their effort at home :)
We plan on holding a all school potluck lunch from 12:00-1:30 and the show starts at 1:30 pm. We have good programs lined up for this event and ask that all families can stay if possible till the end of the show, around 4:00 pm. A traditional or festive outfit for kids and adult are strongly encouraged. A small amount of some of these outfits will be available for purchase this Sunday in the cafeteria starting at 2:00 PM.
To kick off this festive celebration event, we start the potluck lunch at 12:00. We invite all families to bring a family tradition or specialty dish to share with everyone and if you wish to bring an additional item, maybe a dessert or some fruits. The school will supply water and drinks. We will end the potluck lunch at around 1:30 and need parent volunteers' help to finish cleaning up the cafeteria. The performance will start at 1:30 PM in the auditorium. Please follow this link to signup for the potluck:
As a non-profit organization, we sincerely appreciate donations of any amount from families or corporate/business sponsors to help support CSA's year round events for our kids and parents. If you can help, please let us know.