CSA Fall 2021 1st Day of School - Saturday, 11th and Sunday, Sept. 12th

Dear All CSA Families and Friends,

Finally, we are ready for the opening day of Fall 2021 semester on this coming weekend: Saturday, the 11th, for Dover campus, and Sunday, the 12th, for Andover campus. This is the first time we will have in-person school day since Spring 2020.

This semester, the Andover campus will operate in hybrid mode: most of our lower grades are in-person and some high grades will mostly remain online. School-wide activities will also be conducted in combination of onsite and online.

Here are highlights of a few reminders for the 1st day of our schools:
1. For the safety, it is mandatory that everyone must wear a mask and pass body temperature check before entering the premises we are using. Adults and volunteers who are eligible for COVID Vaccine shots, you must be fully vaccinated. CSA will ask to verify your vaccination records where needed. Each classroom will have hand sanitizer available. Students are asked to maintain 3-feet distance while inside the buildings. Detailed CSA COVID-19 Policies are available here.

2. On 1st Day Arrival:
For Dover campus: All parents, students, staffs and Teachers, please arrive by 1:15 PM. Before students move to designated classrooms at 1:35 PM, we will have a brief all-school opening ceremony in the space outside the building and next to Entrance #3. We will introduce our school members and teachers, school routines, safety and other rules and expectations on members' involvement of the school operations. Small pack of snacks will be available for the students. FOR THE 5th GRADERS: your first class is on Sunday morning, the 12th. Please arrive by 9:15 AM. The class will start at 9:30 AM.

For Andover campus: we will use the side-door, located near the Pike auditorium and next to the side parking lot. You will be guided to your corresponding classroom once you enter the building.

3. 1st Class: the textbook will be distributed prior to the class starts. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN OR WRITE ON THE TEXTBOOK IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOUR CLASSROOM. We are inviting parents of each student to participate the 1st half hour of the class. The classroom teacher will share the class' teaching plan, parents and school interaction routines, classroom rules and learning expectations, and other requirements such as selecting a classroom parents' representative.

We look forward to another productive and exciting year. See you all on our first day of Fall 2021!